Wednesday 1 February 2017

Train Your Dog Dock Diving

Teaching Your Dog The Chase method For Dock Diving

If by chance, you have ever watched dogs that do dock diving on ESPN for the outstanding Dog competition or other dock diving shows, you will be amazed at how most of the dog are leaping up and aiming to catch their toys in midair.
They make it appear simple, but in reality it isn’t as easy as it appears.
Dog owners should calculate the speed of their dog, running down a forty foot dock and timing the toy perfectly; all whilst throwing the toy in the right manner with respective height and distance so that their dog can catch it within the air.
The Joy derived by the dog from catching the toy in its mouth is typically what drives the dog jump higher.  Only a few puppies can soar over 20 feets if they are trained with this method. Most times they’re just engaging in throw and catch technique which adds nothing to the jump power need with the bosses.

How do you start to train your dog dock diving
The dog must be very confident jumping in water. If he is not absolutely confident, he cannot multitask by means of trusting his feet to carry him to the edge and over the water even as he is and jumping for his toy.
Reflect on your personal terms. Race to the end of a dock all at the same time as you are looking up and trying to catch something while looking down at your feet.  At the start, it might be nearly impossible, until you learn to accept that the  water is beneath you,

Ground Work is Essential
When you train your dog dock diving, you need to first train your dog to jump up and catch a toy.

It is particularly silly to expect our dog to have enough jump power to jump off the ground and  consider his capability to leap, capture and fall, only if he’s confident enough.
To gain self-confidence you should train your dog to catch from the ground.

I do not use a Frisbee for dock diving. I believe that Frisbees are too hard to throw as it should be in high wind; and also you don’t need the Frisbee to glide out of the protection of the pool!
Clearly you ought to avoid hard toy that might hurt your dog when gnawed midair.  Ache or discomfort will surely negatively affect your dog’s potential to jump higher distances.

I start with my dog on a sitting stay about 4-6 feets away, reach back and point toy at my canine’s nose, release and barely toss the toy up inside the air and out right before his nose.
When you train your dog dock diving, be cautious to throw the toy above your shoulders.  Once more, even in case you throw too far over the pool, the dog could be affected.  He may be capable of jumping incredibly high, but this is risky as he might lands hard in the pool which could hurt him badly.

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